Sunday, June 17, 2007


A warm welcome to everyone !

This forum is for the open exchange of information and ideas among
genealogy researchers, both the experienced and those just beginning
their journey back in time.

I had considered doing my family tree for many years but the thought
was a bit daunting before the advent of computers.

When I began my research in 2000 I never knew how totally fascinating
it would turn out to be. And although I absolutely hated history while
in school, I have come to love's mine,after all.....and yours....
and yours......and you over there across the ocean,it's yours too!!

Never forget that, embrace it, pass it on to your children and your
children's children.......what better gift can you give them, than pride in
their heritage?

Teach them to be proud without denigrating others for theirs. After all,
our ancestors were ALL emigrants and such diversity among our
people is what makes this country great.

Hope you enjoy your time here.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

McArthurs of North Carolina and connected lines

Hello there,
I was born and raised here in Fayetteville,Cumberland Co,NC as were many of my ancestors
Perhaps the best way to start would be to list the names of my ancestors and those connected
to them. I firmly believe in researching collateral lines because they may possess the info I
need to complete my own lines and I may have what they need to complete theirs.If we don't
help each other then none of us will accomplish what we have set out to do--besides, it's great
fun to discover new family you never knew you had :)

Researching mainly in Cumberland and Bladen Co,NC for:

McArthur,Shaw,Hall,Burney,Blake,Cain,Cameron(Moore Co,NC),

Daniell(Scot to SC/NC),Daniel(Eng to VA/NC),Grimes,



Also in Granville,Wake,Orange Counties for:

Allen(VA/NC)/Allin(Eng to VA),De Arden(Eng)/Arden(VA),

Harris,Hicks,Lanier,Jones,Moize,Walker,Webb and more.

Hope to hear from anyone regarding genealogical research in NC/SC/VA

Happy Hunting!!

John Lee McArthur and Sadie Bell Harris

John Lee McArthur and Sadie Bell Harris
my grandparents

and this is me !

and this is me !